Business Coach
Consultant & Lecturer
for value based Corporate Governance
Hereinafter a range of assignments and clients:
Business Coach
- Owner of a mechanical engineering company: Sale or shutdown of the company?
- Entrepreneur in PR and marketing: Prioritization and sale of a company segment?
- Project manager in social business: Taking the step to self employment?
- Executive in publishing: Crisis of purpose – professional transition to a different line of business?
Lecturer in CSR and value based corporate governance
- Lecturer for the course of studies “CSR-Manager” at Fundraising Akademy gGmbH
- Lecturer for CSR at Institut für Kultur- und Medienmanagement, Hamburg
- Lectures and workshops about CSR at UPJ‘s corporate network
- Presentation about the concrete implementation and utilization of CSR to representatives from the worlds of business, science, politics and social engagement, e.g. in the EU-Commission in Brussels
CSR-counselling and networking
- Member of a panel of CSR experts: Expert advice on CSR for the ministry of family and work led by Ursula von der Leyen
- Networking for the charitable enterprise Papilio: Contact with foundations, companies, ministries, CSR-platforms
- CSR-reporting and counselling for Betapharm Pharmaceuticals GmbH
- CSR-reporting and counselling for Dr. Ausbüttel & Co. GmbH
Prizes and Awards
Awards in the sector of CSR
- Awarded for the participation in the “Ausburger Zukunftspreis” with my project “Nachhaltigkeit und CSR als Zukunftssicherung für den Standort Augsburg”
- research, filing for and finally winning of awards for Betapharm Pharmaceuticals GmbH and the charitable enterprise Papilio
- Interview “Enkeltauglich zu leben und zu wirtschaften – den Wandel zu gestalten ist mein Antrieb “ (click here for free pdf download) published on the website University Augsburg
- Interview “Weniger ist mehr” with Maas magazine
- “Stress adé! Drei Schritte zur inneren Balance” on the website “MyLifeCare”
- Contribution on the topic “Nach-HALT-igkeit leben” to the publication “Projekt Sehnsucht: Ein Mutmachbuch für alle, die von der Selbstständigkeit träumen” (click here for free pdf download) by Vera Bartholomay
- Interview “Top 1 auf der Agenda: Selbstfürsorge” (click here for free pdf download) published at Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW 17-19)
- Interview “Focusing on the essentials” with BIO magazine
- Interview about sustainability (click here for free pdf download) in the book publication “Lifeguide Augsburg – Nachhaltig unterwegs in Stadt und Region”, oekom publishing house
- Article “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ist eine Haltung und möchte gutes Leben schaffen” on the website “Schloss Lautrach”
- Article “Innere Haltung: Lebensbalance und wertorientierte Unternehmensführung” on the website “Gesichter der Nachhaltigkeit”
- “CSR und Unternehmenskultur” in the book publication “CSR und Organisationsentwicklung”, Springer publishing house
- Declaration of conformity with the “Sustainability Code”
- Article “Vom gutem Leben. Menschenbild und Nachhaltigkeit” on the website “Gesichter der Nachhaltigkeit”
- Article “Aber man muss es wollen” in the book publication of the “Deutscher Preis für Wirtschaftskommunikation” in the category “Beste Kommunikation der CSR 2007/08“